RED V-Raptor [X] Dynamic Range Analysis Plus

An in depth look at Dynamic Range, Latitude, Image Noise, and More. 2024.03.12

After 3 weeks of in depth technical and real world tests, I've decided to share an expanded look at my Dynamic Range Tests for the new RED V-Raptor [X] 8K VV rather than sharing quick thoughts.  I'm providing this as a resource to illustrate important aspects of doing technical tests such as these while also highlighting how I derive my Total Captured Dynamic Range assessment.  With hopes of helping filmmakers create intended results, I'm also providing a few thoughts on best practices, workflow, and including a few useful charts.

There's been a lot of interest in my camera tests over the years.  After 25+ years of testing image acquisition systems professionally, this is the first time publicly that I have published such an in depth look.  Part of the challenge was condensing data, images, and thoughts down to just a few pages without it being a pile of spreadsheets to dig through.

This is data and image heavy, so for ease of viewing I have created a high resolution PDF as well as individual slides for filmmakers to download.  26 pages.


High Resolution PDF (166.5MB) - PHFX BOX

Zipped 4K JPG Slides (92MB) - PHFX BOX

Online 4K JPG Slides (92MB) - PHFX BOX

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A quick look at two of the more important pages.

Total Captured Dynamic Rage


Dynamic Range Chart


© phil holland 1999-